Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Imre Hronszky "Long-term strategic roadmaps" [01.08.2008]

Prof. Dr. Imre Hronszky von der Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Department of Management and Corporate Economics, ist vom 01.07.2008 bis 30.09.2008 Gastwissenschaftler am ITAS.

Im Rahmen des Gastaufenthalts trägt er im Institut zu folgendem Thema vor: Long-term strategic roadmaps – The case for "hydrogen economy"

Both making roadmaps of various sorts and research on them have been enormously growing activities in the last ten years. Especially technology roadmaps became routine tools for industry by now. There are more and more sectorial roadmaps, too. By typically extending the overarching strategic perspective on industrial and technological development to thirty-fifty years long-term strategic roadmaps (together with technology platforms) get special importance. They could serve for enlightening long-term transition processes with all their SWOTs and uncovering possible ways under conditions of complexity and deep information uncertainty. The presentation explores the functioning of roadmapping in the strategic game, including its informative, organizing, ideological and rhetoric role (presenting this last element on a recent analysis of my PhD student, Ágnes Fésüs).

  • Die Veranstaltung findet statt am 2. September 2008 um 11.00 Uhr im Kolloquiumsraum des ITAS, Gebäude 451, 2. OG, Raum 412.