Socio-technical futures as socio-epistemic practices. An analytical matrix for technology assessment

Project description

In processes of technology development, innovation, and transformation, socio-technical futures (e.g., in the form of imaginaries, visions, scenarios, prototypes) play an increasingly important role in the orientation of communication, decisions, and actions in science and society. But how can the impact of futures on the processes be analyzed, evaluated, and shaped for governing the processes?

The core-funded focus project further develops concepts and methods of vision assessment in a systematic way. It follows on from the research carried out in the project “Visions as socio-epistemic practices” and is an essential component of the conceptual and methodological basic research conducted by ITAS on hermeneutic TA and vision assessment of technology futures.

The focus of research is on the systematic extension of the vision assessment methodology with the aim of developing an analytical matrix for technology assessment (TA) and related research in science & technology studies (STS). This matrix should be applicable to the analysis, evaluation, and design of the most diverse forms, contexts, and process dynamics of socio-technical futures. The analytical research focus of vision assessment on visions as socio-epistemic practices established in the previous project forms the starting point. This makes it possible to analyze and assess the social and epistemic functionality and impact of futures on innovation and transformation processes from an empirical social science perspective. The research thus links perspectives of hermeneutic TA with STS perspectives on the shaping of science and society by current futures.

In the project “Socio-technical futures as socio-epistemic practices”, the project team, in collaboration with researchers from various research groups at ITAS and external partners, conducts empirical micro-case studies on socio-technical futures in a wide range of subject areas (e.g., mobility, energy, digitalization), in addition to theory and method developments. In a further step, the results of these studies form the empirical basis for the development of an analytical matrix. This analytical matrix is intended to provide methodological support in TA projects, both inside and outside ITAS.

The methodological and conceptual basic research enables the identification and anticipation of current signs and possibilities of socio-technical changes in specific constellations (e.g., agendas of science and research policy; mass media, political, and economic attention economies; alliances between innovators, associations, NGOs, and civil society) of an innovation and transformation process. The experience and knowledge generated in this way will form the basis for advice on and design of socio-technical futures in politics, science, and society. The focus of analysis implies and, moreover, enables TA to reflect on its own knowledge-policy related role in socio-epistemic practices.

Periods of the project:

  1. Micro-case studies (e.g. on futures of mobility, energy and digitalization) and development of a prototype for the analytical matrix (1/2020-10/2021)
  2. Validation and improvement of the prototype and completion of the analytical matrix (11/2021-12/2022)


Konrad, K.; Lösch, A.; Urueña, S.
Anticipatory practices at the intersections of innovation, policy and society: Special Issue - Overview
2024, May 7. 2nd Workshop “Anticipatory practices at the intersections of innovation, policy and society” (2024), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 7–8, 2024 
Lösch, A.; Dobroć, P.
Vision Assessment as a socio‐epistemic practice for (co‐)shaping sociotechnical transformations
2024. Workshop "Interdisciplinary Perspectives on ’Technology Futures’" (2024), Karlsruhe, Germany, March 14–15, 2024 
Lösch, A.; Dobroć, P.
Challenges for anticipatory practices of technology assessment with scientists, stakeholders and policy makers: An evaluation and reflection on improvements of the vision assessment methodology
2024. 2nd Workshop “Anticipatory practices at the intersections of innovation, policy and society” (2024), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 7–8, 2024 
Lösch, A.; Dobroć , P.
Challenges for Intersectoral Anticipatory Practices of Technology Assessment. An evaluation and reflection on improvements of the vision assessment methodology
2024. EU-SPRI Conference "Governing technology, research, and innovation for better worlds" (2024), Enschede, Netherlands, June 5–6, 2024 
Lösch, A.; Gondolf, J.; Büscher, C.; Ufer, U.
Towards a Transformation Assessment. Observing and (Co)Shaping Sociotechnical Transformations
2024. EASST/4S Conference Making and doing transformations (2024 2024), Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 16–19, 2024 
Popplow, M.; Lösch, A.; Gondolf, J.
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on „Technology Futures“ - Introduction
2024. Workshop "Interdisciplinary Perspectives on ’Technology Futures’" (2024), Karlsruhe, Germany, March 14–15, 2024 
Lösch, A.; Schneider, C.; Dobroć, P.; Frey, P.; Gondolf, J.; Hausstein, A.; Heil, R.
Vision assessment: An orientation framework for the practice of technology assessment
2023. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000158791Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Lösch, A.; Schneider, C.; Dobroć, P.; Frey, P.; Gondolf, J.; Hausstein, A.; Heil, R.
Vision Assessment: Ein Orientierungsrahmen für die Praxis der Technikfolgenabschätzung
2023. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000158790Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Lösch, A.
Zukünfte und soziotechnische Transformationen: Theorien und Methoden des Vision Assessments zur Analyse und Gestaltung ihrer Bedeutung und Wirkmächtigkeit
2023. Oldenburg School for the Social Sciences and the Humanities (2023), Oldenburg, Germany, October 4–6, 2023 
Lösch, A.; Dobroć, P.
Opening and Closing down Futures: Opportunities, Requirements and Challenges in Vision Assessment Practices of Technology Assessment
2023. Open anticipations in research and policy (experiences, methods, concepts) : Workshop of the Network "Anticipation & Policies (2023), San Sebastián, Spain, July 12, 2023 
Book Chapters
Dobroć, P.
Zukunftsvisionen als Kulturtechniken und deren Rolle im Prozess der kulturellen Regelbildung
2022. Vision Assessment: Theoretische Reflexionen zur Erforschung soziotechnischer Zukünfte. Hrsg.: P. Dobroć, 85–113, KIT Scientific Publishing Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Frey, P.; Schneider, C.
Transformatives Vision Assessment: Visionengestaltung zwischen Status Quo, Nachhaltigkeit und demokratischem Anspruch
2022. Vision Assessment : Theoretische Reflexionen zur Erforschung soziotechnischer Zukünfte. Hrsg.: P. Frey, 151–167, KIT Scientific Publishing Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Heil, R.; Dobroć, P.; Frey, P.; Hausstein, A.; Lösch, A.; Roßmann, M.; Schneider, C.
Einleitung: Von Zukunftsvisionen zum Vision Assessment
2022. Vision Assessment : Theoretische Reflexionen zur Erforschung soziotechnischer Zukünfte. Hrsg.: P. Frey, 1–14, KIT Scientific Publishing Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Lösch, A.
Vision Assessment sozio-epistemischer Praktiken: Theoretische Positionierung und Plausibilisierung des TA-Ansatzes
2022. Vision Assessment : theoretische Reflexionen zur Erforschung soziotechnischer Zukünfte. Hrsg.: P. Frey, 51–84, KIT Scientific Publishing 
Dobroć, P.
Inputvortrag: Open Science and the role of platformization
2022. 5th European Technology Assessment Conference "Digital Future(s). TA in and for a Changing World" (ETAC 2022), Karlsruhe, Germany, July 25–27, 2022 
Dobroć, P.
What does "Open" stand for in the concept of Open Science? Facets of the vision of Openness and its societal consequences
2022. International Interdisciplinary Graduate Summer School “Open science” (2022), San Sebastian, Spain, July 18–22, 2022 
Dobroć, P.; Lösch, A.; Schneider, C.
Technological Temporalities : Cultural semiotic reflections on anticipatory research in Technology Assessment
2022. 4th International Conference on Anticipation "Time & Temporalities" (2022), Tempe, AZ, USA, November 4, 2022 
Lösch, A.
Transformationen von 3D Druck Zukünften durch ko-kreativen Szenarioprozess - ein Einblick
2022. Abschlussworkshop Vision Assessment, ITAS/KIT (2022), Karlsruhe, Germany, November 28, 2022 
Lösch, A.
Transformative Vision Assessment & Perspectives for Research Collaboration
2022, July 13. From Future Scenarios to Visions, workshop of the research project “Tecnologías emergentes responsables: la construcción de futuros socio-técnicos mediante gobernanza anticipatoria abierta”; Carlos Santamaria Center, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (2022), San Sebastian, Spain, July 13, 2022 
Lösch, A.; Dobroć, P.; Schneider, C.
Transformatives Vision Assessment zu 3D Druck: Ein Beitrag zur demokratischen Gestaltung des digitalen Kulturwandels?
2022. 10. Gestreamt, gelikt, flüchtig - schöne neue Kulturwelt? Internationale Konferenz des Netzwerks Technikfolgenabschätzung (NTA 2022), Bern, Switzerland, November 14–16, 2022 
Lösch, A.; Roßmann, M.; Schneider , C.
Transformative Vision Assessment: A Methodology for Shaping Responsible and Sustainable Digital Futures in Science and Society
2022. 5th European Technology Assessment Conference (ETAC5 2022), Karlsruhe, Germany, July 25–27, 2022 
Lösch, A.; Schneider, C.
Transformative Vision Assessment as an Approach for Responsible Future Making
2022. European Association for the Study of Science and Technology : The politics of technoscientific futures (EASST 2022), Madrid, Spain, July 6–9, 2022 
Dobroć, P.
What does "Open" stand for in the Openness concepts? On a negotiation between freedom and security in the era of digitalization
2022. 5th European Technology Assessment Conference "Digital Future(s). TA in and for a Changing World" (ETAC 2022), Karlsruhe, Germany, July 25–27, 2022 
Book Chapters
Coenen, C.
Transcending Natural Limitations: The Military–Industrial Complex and the Transhumanist Temptation
2021. Transhumanism: The Proper Guide to a Posthuman Condition or a Dangerous Idea?. Ed.: W. Hofkirchner, 97–110, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-56546-6_6
Lösch, A.; Roßmann, M.; Schneider, C.
Vision Assessment als sozio-epistemische Praxis
2021. Technikfolgenabschätzung. Hrsg.: S. Böschen, 337–351, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. doi:10.5771/9783748901990-337
Conference Papers
Lösch, A.; Hausstein, A.
Transformationen und konkurrierende Zukünfte. Vision Assessment zwischen Analyse und Intervention
2021. Gesellschaftliche Transformationen : Gegenstand oder Aufgabe der Technikfolgenabschätzung? Hrsg.: R. Lindner; M. Decker, 133–144, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. doi:10.5771/9783748901556-133
Dobroć, P.
Open Government: im Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Freiheit und Sicherheit in einer digitalen Gesellschaft
2021. NTA9-TA21: Digital, Direkt, Demokratisch? Technikfolgenabschätzung und die Zukunft der Demokratie (2021), Online, May 10–12, 2021 
Heil, R.
Biovisionäre Diskurse im Transhumanismus: Zwischen Eugenik und Human Enhancement
2021, November 26. An den Grenzen des Menschen und darüber hinaus: Post- und Transhumanismus in interreligiöser Perspektive (2021), Online, November 26–27, 2021 
Lösch, A.
Methoden des Vision Assessments
2021. ITAS-Workshop Methoden des Vision Assessments (2021), Online, November 30, 2021 
Lösch, A.
Re-Imagining 3D Printing and Assessing its Futures
2021. Re-Imagining the Futures of 3D Printing in Society - Scientific symposium and expert scenario workshop (2021), Online, March 23–24, 2021 
Lösch, A.; Roßmann, M.; Schneider, C.
Zukunftspfade des 3D Drucks in unserer Gesellschaft
2021. Zukunftspfade des 3D Drucks in unserer Gesellschaft: Scenario workshop des ITAS/KIT (2021), Online, October 20, 2021 
Lösch, A.; Roßmann, M.; Schneider, C.
From Visions Towards Scenarios for Future Additive Manufacturing in Society
2021. Future 3D Additive Manufacturing – the 3DMM2O Conference 2021: 3D Hybrid Organotypic Systems (2021), Online, March 1–4, 2021 
Schneider, C.; Frey, P.
Die Demokratisierung von Technologien braucht auch Wirtschaftsdemokratie
2021. NTA9-TA21: Digital, Direkt, Demokratisch? Technikfolgenabschätzung und die Zukunft der Demokratie (2021), Online, May 10–12, 2021 
Book Chapters
Şahinol, M.; Coenen, C.; Motika, R.
2020. Upgrades der Natur, künftige Körper. Hrsg.: M. Şahinol, V-XVII, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 
Conference Papers
Lösch, A.
Wie nimmt das ITAS Zukunft in den Blick? Vision Assessment in der Technikfolgenabschätzung und die historische Erforschung vergangener Zukünfte
2020. 2000 Revisited - Visionen der Welt von morgen im Gestern und Heute. Hrsg.: P. Dobroć; A. Rothenhäusler, 58–75, KIT Scientific Publishing Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Rothenhäusler, A.; Dobroć, P.
Vergangenen und gegenwärtigen Zukünften auf der Spur. Eine Einleitung
2020. 2000 Revisited - Visionen der Welt von morgen im Gestern und Heute. Hrsg.: P. Dobroć, 3–39, KIT Scientific Publishing Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Coenen, C.
More Horrible than Demogorgon? Intelligent Machines and Human Destiny
2020. Workshop AI Visions and Narratives (2020), Online, September 17–18, 2020 
Coenen, C.; Gammel, S.
Nano : Zur Gegenwart einer Zukunftstechnologie
2020. Interdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung Global Challenges "20/20 Visions: Past and Present Futures of Technology" (2020), Darmstadt, Germany, May 19, 2020 
Dobroć, P.
Visions as cultural techniques. Cultural semiotic reflections on visions
2020. Locating and Timing Matters: Significance and agency of STS in emerging worlds (EASST/4S 2020), Online, August 18–21, 2020 
Dobroć, P.; Rothenhäusler, A.
Die Vermessung der Zukunft von gestern und die Analyse von vergangenen und gegenwärtigen Technikvisionen
2020. Neue Kulturgeographien. Technocultures & Technoscapes (NKG2020 2020), Bonn, Germany, January 30–February 1, 2020 
Lösch, A.
Exploring and Shaping the Politicization of Sociotechnical Futures Differently: Contextual Challenges for TA’s Vision Assessment
2020. Locating and Timing Matters: Significance and agency of STS in emerging worlds (EASST/4S 2020), Online, August 18–21, 2020 
Lösch, A.; Roßmann, M.; Schneider, C.
Vision Assessment in the Cluster of Excellence: 3D Matter Made to Order
2020. Online Presentation for the Cluster of Excellence 3DMM20, KIT Karlsruhe (2020), Online, December 10, 2020 
Lösch, A.; Schneider, C.
Vision Assessment als sozio-epistemische Praxis. Grundlagen – Beispiele - Herausforderungen
2020. Kolloquium des Forschungsschwerpunkts "Gesellschaft - Gesundheit - Nachhaltigkeit" (2020), Furtwangen im Schwarzwald, Germany, January 24, 2020 
Journal Article Reviews


PD Dr. Andreas Lösch
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)
P.O. Box 3640
76021 Karlsruhe

Phone: 0721 608-22505