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Welcome to the leading international institution for technology assessment!

Scientific and technological progress does not only improve our lives, but frequently has unexpected and often undesirable effects. At ITAS, we contribute to realizing its potential while minimizing its risks. 

Our addressees are politics, business, and society – the actors who shape scientific and technological progress. We offer them knowledge for action and point out possible solutions to global challenges.

ITAS profile

New TAB projects "at the pulse of time"

The Committee for Education, Research and Technology Assessment of the German Bundestag has decided on TAB's work program for 2024/25. Security and defense policy topics are of great importance.

Mobility: New EU project “Cultural Road”

Connected and automated vehicles could help reduce EU’s mobility emissions. Researchers from across Europe have now started to develop guidelines for the implementation of these technologies that take into account equity and cultural diversity.

ITAS welcomes biohydrogen expert

Until September, ITAS is hosting Mine Güngörmüşler, one of KIT’s International Excellence Fellows in 2024. In Karlsruhe, the associate professor from Izmir University of Economics will analyze the potential benefits of a novel biohydrogen technology.

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Energy transition: New project aims to strengthen rural areas

How can rural areas support the energy transition – and benefit from it at the same time? The EU project CIRCUS, which has been officially launched with the aim of establishing “energy communities” in five European model regions, is developing answers.




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