Functions of Participative TA

  • Project team:

    Gloede, Fritz (Project leader); Armin Grunwald; Leonard Hennen

  • Start date:


  • End date:


  • Project partners:

    Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Austrian Academy of Sciences); Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin (Social Science Research Centre Berlin); Technical University Darmstadt

  • Research group:

    Knowledge society and knowledge policy

Project description

The popularity of the "participative" TA approaches in the 90s seems to have further increased an already apparent confusion. Is "participative TA" a matter of achieving the goals which have accompanied TA since its emergence in the 60s, or should we regard the corresponding processes as a competing range of TA concepts which should now be considered "classic" or even obsolete? Conversely, we might just as well ask if "participative TA" can be regarded as TA at all. If the corresponding controversies are not to remain entirely arbitrary, the first thing is to establish an overriding reference framework with derived points of view for comparative consideration of the TA approaches addressed here.

Following an international comparative research project supported by the EU, "Participatory TA" (EUROpTA), in which ITAS and TAB were involved as German participants, theoretical analysis and programmatic conclusions are to be elaborated on the relationship between decision-supporting TA as problem-oriented research and organised actors and lay members of the public in the technology-related policy arena. Beside more intensive consideration of structural conditions and limits to "participatory TA", the question to be studied in particular is if (and if, how) participation of organised interests or individual citizens in problem-oriented research procedures could be helpful in increasing their capabilities.


Journal Articles
Book Chapters
Gloede, F.; Hennen, L.
Germany: a Difference that Makes a Difference?
2002. Participatory technology assessment : European perspectives. Ed.: S. Joss, 92–107, Center for the Study of Democracy 
Grunwald, A.
Partizipative Technikfolgenabschätzung für Zukunftstechnologien: Zwischen Hoffnungen und Illusionen
2002. Ringvorlesung ’Elfenbeinturm oder Stimmzettel? Demokratiefähigkeit von Zukunftswissenschaften und Zukunftstechnologien’, Technische Universität Darmstadt, 27.Juni 2002 
Grunwald, A.
Partizipative Technikfolgenabschätzung - offene Fragen und kritische Bemerkungen
2002. ARC-Forum zur Systemforschung Technik-Wirtschaft-Umwelt, Seibersdorf, 17.Januar 2002 
Book Chapters
Bechmann, G.; Stehr, N.
The uncertainties of risk communication in knowledge societies
2001. Matthies, M. [Hrsg.] Integrative Systems Approaches to Natural and Social Dynamics : Systems Science 2000 Berlin [u.a.] : Springer 2001, 289–303 
Gloede, F.
Partizipative Technikfolgenabschätzung in Europa
2001. 1999/2000 Jahrbuch des Instituts für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse (ITAS). Hrsg.: A. Grunwald, 186–192, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (FZKA) 
Grunwald, A.
Partizipative Technikfolgenabschätzung und das Problem der Legitimation
2001. Vortr.: UFZ - Umweltforschungszentrum Leipzig, 8.Februar 2001 
Conference Papers
Gloede, F.
Technology assessment: problem of participation
2000. Consequences of Scientific and Technological Development. Proceedings of the International Conference in Moscow, Russia, June 29-30, 2000, 135–138, IIUEPS Publisher 
Gloede, F.
Technology assessment: problem of participation
2000. Consequences of Scientific and Technological Development : Proc.of the Internat.Conf., Moskva, Russia, June 29-30, 2000 Moskva : IIUEPS Publ., 2000 (in russ.Sprache), International Conference Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2000), Moscow, Russia, June 29–30, 2000 
Gloede, F.
Technologiepolitik, Technikfolgenabschätzung und Partizipation
2000. Deutsch-Russische Konf.’TA und UVP - Probleme der Ausbildung und Reflexion’ Russische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Moskva, Russia, 29.Juni 2000 
Grunwald, A.
Participative TA zwischen “Arguing” und “Bargaining”
2000. Workshop “TA und Ethik” (2000), Zurich, Switzerland, February 25, 2000 
Grunwald, A.
Formale Legitimation und argumentative Rationalität in der Technikgestaltung
2000. Jahreskonf.des Instituts für Philosophie, Schlesische Universität Katowice, PL, 9.Mai 2000 
Grunwald, A.
Shaping technology in society - on the role of ethics and participation
2000. Vortr.: Universität Warschau, Zentrum für die Erforschung der Informationsgesellschaft, Warszawa, PL, 9.November 2000 
Book Chapters
Köberle, S.; Gloede, F.; Hennen, L.
Einleitung zum Buch
1997. Diskursive Verständigung? Mediation und Partizipation in Technikkontroversen. Hrsg.: S. Köberle, 11–24, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft 
Köberle, S.; Gloede, F.; Hennen, L.
Diskursive Verständigung? Mediation und Partizipation in Technikkontroversen
1997. Eine Publikation der Akademie für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Baden-Württemberg. Baden-Baden : Nomos, 1997 (Forum Kooperative Politik ; 1) 
Book Chapters
Gloede, F.
Technology policy, technology assessment and participation
1995. Schomberg, R.von [Hrsg.] Contested Technology : Ethics, Risk and Public Debate Tilburg : Internat.Centre for Human and Public Affairs, 1995, 119–42 


Fritz Gloede
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)
P.O. Box 3640
76021 Karlsruhe

Tel.: +49 721 608 - 22501 (ITAS secretariat)