Systems Analysis of the competing energetic and material use of wood in Germany

  • Project team:

    Feifel, Silke (Project leader)

  • Start date:


  • End date:


  • Research group:

    Sustainability and environment

Project description

In the beginning of the century, an increasing competition over the use of wood was noticed in Germany. The increased importance of the resource wood was – against the background of the climate change that is taking place as well as the wish for an improved availability of domestic raw materials as energy carriers – politically intended and a declared objective of a long-term oriented energy and environmental policy.

Through the development of new technologies like, e.g., biomass to liquid processes (BtL) and new burner technologies for domestic coal which allowed a more efficient use of wood as an energy carrier, the technological conditions for a broader use of wood were improved. In contrast to this, due to the long rotation cycles of wood and limited forest areas, the wood supply remained constant in short and medium terms, and its use by the wood industry, using the wood mainly as a raw material, continued.

So far, the effects of the variable competition over the use of wood had not been examined in a coherent technology-based model with respect to Germany. A model of this type had to take into account all types of demand.

The project identified and quantified the ecological and economical medium- and long-term effects of an intensified use of wood and the corresponding changes of the material flow within the forest-wood-use chain using a scenario approach, encompassing technical innovations in selected branches of the forest-wood use chain.

The results show, that the technical innovations under survey do not have significant influence on the ecological impacts. By the technical improvements no noteworthy amounts of wooden resources can be set free, optional to be used for energetic purposes, followed by ecological advantages.


Conference Papers
Feifel, S.; Poganietz, W. R.; Schebek, L.
Using lightweight boards in Germany - a sustainable development?
2013. ThinkLight : International Conference on Lightweight Panels, Hannover, 07. Mai 2013. Hrsg.: K. Fischer., 5–11, Technical Conference Management 
Feifel, S.; Poganietz, W.-R.; Schebek, L.
Using lightweight boards - a sustainable development? A sector-based analysis: the ecology of lightweight boards as an option to improve the sector
2013. International Conference on Lightweight Panels “THINK LIGHT” (2013), Hanover, Germany, May 7, 2013 
Feifel, S.
Nachhaltige Holznutzung in der Möbelfertigung - oder doch gleich verbrennen?
2012. Junge Talente - Wissenschaft und Musik, Karlsruhe, 18.Oktober 2012 
Feifel, S.; Poganietz, W. R.; Schebek, L.
The demand for wood in Germany - a sustainable case?
2012. Socio-Economic Metabolism : MFA-ConAccount Section Conf., Darmstadt, September 26-28, 2012 
Journal Articles
Conference Papers
Feifel, S.
Nachhaltigkeit in der Möbelfertigung - ein Thema?
2010. 8. Internationales Branchenseminar für Frauen des Holzbaus und Innenausbaus (IBF 2010), Merano, I, July 1-2, 2010, 3–11, Forum Holzbau 
Feifel, S.; Faul, A.; Schebek, L.
LCA of lightweight boards - comparing different designs
2010. From Simplified LCA to Advanced LCA : 16th SETAC Europe LCA Case Studies Symposium, Poznan, PL, February 1-2, 2010, 43–44 
Feifel, S.
Nachhaltigkeit in der Möbelfertigung - ein Thema?
2010. 8. Internationlaes Branchenseminar für Frauen (2010), Biel/Bienne, Switzerland, June 3, 2020 
Feifel, S.; Faul, A.; Schebek, L.
LCA of lightweight boards - comparing different designs
2010. 16th SETAC Europe LCA Case Study Symposium (2010), Poznan, Poland, February 1–2, 2010 
Feifel, S.; Poganietz, W.-R.; Schebek, L.
Assessing resource saving innovations in the forest-based sector industry
2010. 9th International Conference on EcoBalance “Towards & Beyond 2020” (2010), Tokyo, Japan, November 9–12, 2010 
Conference Papers
Feifel, S.; Faul, A.; Schebek, L.
Vergleichende ökologische Analyse unterschiedlicher Bauformen leichter Holzwerkstoffplatten
2009. Ressourcenschonender Rohstoffeinsatz und energieeffiziente Technologien : 8.Holzwerkstoff-Kolloquium, Dresden, 9.-10.Dezember 2009, Tagungsband, IHD 
Feifel, S.; Faul, A.; Schebek, L.
Vergleichende ökologische Analyse unterschiedlicher Bauformen leichter Holzwerkstoffplatten
2009. Ressourcenschonender Rohstoffeinsatz und energieeffiziente Technologien : 8.Holzwerkstoff-Kolloquium, Dresden, 9.-10.Dezember 2009 Tagungsband Dresden : IHD, 2009, 8. Holzwerkstoff-Kolloquium (2009), Dresden, Germany, December 9–10, 2009 


Dipl.-Ing. Silke Feifel
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)
P.O. Box 3640
76021 Karlsruhe