Options for Cutting Food Waste

  • Project team:

    Priefer, Carmen (Project leader); Juliane Jörissen; Klaus-Rainer Bräutigam

  • Funding: STOA
  • Start date: 2012
  • End date: 2013
  • Research group:

    Sustainability and environment

Project description

The Science and Technology Options Assessment Panel (STOA) of the European Parliament set up a new project titled "Technology Options for Feeding 10 Billion People". The project investigated technological options for the improvement of global food supply. ITAS has taken over two sub-studies. One of them is named "Options for Cutting Food Waste".

The aim of this study is to support the resolution of the European Parliament to reduce food waste by 50% by 2025. The resolution notes that every year in Europe a growing amount of healthy, edible food – some estimates say up to 50% – is lost along the entire food supply chain and becomes waste. The European Parliament points out that by 2020 food waste will increase by 40% unless additional preventive actions or measures will be taken. A study published on behalf of the European Commission estimates annual food waste generation in the 27 Member States at approximately 89 million tons, varying considerably between individual countries and the various sectors, without even considering agricultural food waste or fish catches returned to the sea.

Even though existing figures about the extent of food waste vary greatly, there is no doubt about the fact that significant amounts of food are wasted every year. The reduction of losses along the food chain, from farm to fork, is an important approach to increase the efficiency of food utilisation and to reduce negative environmental and economic effects associated with food wastage.

The study summarises existing research on food waste generation in Europe and gives insight into the reliability of the available data on the basis of own model calculations. Moreover, it deals with the underlying definitions of the terms "food waste" and "food loss". Main focus lies on the discussion of measures to avoid food waste which are suggested in the current debate or have already been implemented. Besides persuasive, regulatory, and economic approaches, the study investigates the potential of management options and marketing techniques as well as technologies that change behaviour and technologies that minimise food waste or spoilage caused by retailers and consumers. The whole range of initiatives, from political, over commercial up to private activities is considered and experiences gained in the different countries are summarised. The results of a pilot survey on household food waste carried out by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in Ispra in collaboration with the University of Bologna and the KIT fed into the study as well.


Preifer, C.
Leverage points for food waste prevention in Europe
2018. 2nd Workshop of Food Waste Recovery & Open Innovation (2018), Stuttgart, Germany, July 2, 2018 
Priefer, C.
Die Vermeidung von Lebensmittelabfällen als gesellschaftliche Aufgabe. Aktuelle Entwicklungen, Entstehunghintergründe und Vermeidungsansätze
2017. Runder Tisch ’Lebensmittelverluste’ des Umweltministeriums Saarland, Saarbrücken, 26.Juni 2017 
Priefer, C.
Ansätze zur Vermeidung von Lebensmittelverschwendung und ihre Bedeutung für einen Ernährungs- und Rohstoffwandel
2017. Auftaktveranstaltung des kdf-Projekts ’Zukunft: nachhaltig und geschlechtergerecht - WIe gelingt Veränderung?, Rastatt, 19.März 2017 
Journal Articles
Book Chapters
Priefer, C.; Jörissen, J.
Frisch auf den Müll. Verringerung der Lebensmittelverluste als Ansatz zur Verbesserung der Welternährungssituation
2014. Zukünftige Themen der Innovations- und Technikanalyse : Lessons learned und ausgewählte Ergebnisse. Hrsg.: M. Decker, 13–62, KIT Scientific Publishing 
Journal Articles
Jörissen, J.; Meyer, R.; Priefer, C.; Bräutigam, K. R.
Future food systems: Challenges and perspectives. Introduction to the thematic focus
2014. Technikfolgenabschätzung, Theorie und Praxis, 23 (3), 4–11 
Priefer, C.; Jörissen, J.; Bräutigam, K. R.
Food waste generation in Europe. Reasons, scale, impacts, and prevention strategies
2014. Technikfolgenabschätzung, Theorie und Praxis, 23 (3), 21–31 
Conference Papers
Priefer, C.; Bräutigam, K. R.; Jörissen, J.
Strategien zur Reduktion von Lebensmittelabfällen. Aktuelle Entwicklungen und gegenwärtige Rahmenbedingungen
2014. Tagung ’Von der Verschwendung zur Wertschätzung der Lebensmittel’, Münster, 21.November 2014 Folien online veröffentlicht 
Bräutigam, K. R.; Jörissen, J.; Priefer, C.
Nahrungsmittelabfälle aus dem Haushaltsbereich: Ergebnisse einer Umfrage unter Beschäftigten einer italienischen und einer deutschen Forschungseinrichtung
2014. Tagung ’Von der Verschwendung zur Wertschätzung der Lebensmittel’, Münster, 21.November 2014 
Priefer, C.; Bräutigam, K. R.; Jörissen, J.
Strategien zur Reduktion von Lebensmittelabfällen. Aktuelle Entwicklungen und gegenwärtige Rahmenbedingungen
2014. Tagung ’Von der Verschwendung zur Wertschätzung der Lebensmittel’, Münster, 21.November 2014 
Priefer, C.; Jörissen, J.; Bräutigam, K. R.
Technology options for feeding 10 billion people. Options for cutting food waste. Summary
2013. Bruxelles : European Union, 2013 IP/A/STOA/FWC/2008-096/Lot7/C1/SC2-SC4 (October 2013) 
Priefer, C.
Lebensmittelverluste und die Rolle des Verbrauchers - Eine Einführung
2013. Vortrag im Rahmen des Seminars ’Zu Tisch! Essen in Zeiten der Nachhaltigkeit’, Karlsruhe, 14. Januar 2013 
Priefer, C.
Lebensmittelabfälle und ihre Vermeidung
2013. Vortrag im Rahmen des Seminars ’Zu Tisch! Essen in Zeiten der Nachhaltigkeit’, Karlsruhe, 10. Dezember 2013 
Priefer, C.; Jörissen, J.; Bräutigam, K.-R.
Technology options for feeding 10 billion people. Options for cutting food waste - Key findings of the study
2013. STOA Panel Meeting (2013), Strasbourg, France, October 23, 2013 
Priefer, C.; Jörissen, J.; Bräutigam, K.-R.
Results of the STOA study on options for cutting food waste
2013. Landwirtschaftsausschuss (DG Agriculture) des Europäischen Parlaments (2013), Brussels, Belgium, November 5, 2013 
Meyer, R.
Technology options for feeding 10 billion people. Plant breeding and innovative agriculture
2013. Science and Technology Options Assessment Options Brief No 2013-06 (October 2013) 


Dr. Carmen Priefer
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)
P.O. Box 3640
76021 Karlsruhe