Jens Peters

Dr. Jens Peters

  • Scientific staff until 2019
  • resigned
  • Research area Innovation processes and impacts of technology
  • Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse (ITAS)
    Postfach 3640
    76021 Karlsruhe


Dipl. Ing. Electronic engineering, with focus on communication technology at TU Munich. R&D engineer and project leader for electronic development in the automotive sector (Ingolstadt, Barcelona). MSc. in Renewable Energies and Fuel cells at UIMP / CSIC in Madrid. PhD at Instituto IMDEA Energía and URJC (Madrid) on system analysis of pyrolysis processes for the production of biofuels and biochar.

Professional background

2002 Dipl. Ing. Electrical engineering /communication technology at TU Munich
2003 - 2006 R&D engineer for electronic components, Audi AG
2006 - 2009 Project leader electronic development, Seat SA
2009 - 2010 MSc. Renewable Energies and Fuel cells at UIMP and CSIC in Madrid
2011 - 2014 Scientific staff at the system analysis unit at IMDEA Energy institute, Madrid. System analysis and evaluation of bioenergy processes (process simulation, exergy analysis, cost estimation, life cycle assessment)
2015 PhD. Title: Pyrolysis for biofuels or biochar? A thermodynamic, environmental and economic assessment
2015 R&D Manager at Contactica SL, Madrid
2015 - 2019 Member of scientific staff at ITAS

Fields of work

  • Novel electrochemical energy storage technologies
  • Modelling and assessment of production processes
  • Evaluation of the impacts of battery production on the overall system
  • Ecodesign for new battery systems


Baumann, M.; Erakca, M.; Ersoy, H.; Haase, M.; Mesa Estrada, L.; Jasper, F.; Peters, J.; Weil, M.
Technology Assessment and System Analysis to Support a Sustainable Energy Transition: Part two: System Analysis challenges and use cases for sustainable batteries
2024. Centro di sostenibilità e transizione ecologica di Ateneo, Universität Palermo (2024), Palermo, Italy, May 14–16, 2024 
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; Peters, J.; Erakca, M.; Pinto Bautista, S.; Liu, H.; Jasper, F.; Bahmei, F.; Ersoy, H.; Pushpendra, P.; Das, S.; Khaki, E.; Kumar, M.
Sustainability Challenges for the Recycling of Present and Emerging Batteries
2024, May 14. 14th International Advanced Automative Battery Conference (AABC Europe 2024), Strasbourg, France, May 13–16, 2024 
Weil, M.; Quartarone, E.; Areosa Martins, A.; Fisher, P.; Peters, J.; Casas, A.; Virsumirska, B.; Kivikytö-Reponen, P.; Herrero, C.; Schnee, R.; Ray, S.; De Prada, L.; Mata, T.; Gladkykh, G.; Pechancová, V.; Cooper, A.; Grzeschik, C.; Chebbo, M.; Stier, S.; Pantelis, S.
Task Force Sustainability
2024, June 11. Batteries Europe Plenary Session (2024), Brussels, Belgium, June 11, 2024 
Weil, M.; Quartarone, E.; Pantelis, S.; Martins, A. A.; Fisher, P.; Peters, J.; Casas, A.; Virsumirska, B.; Kivikytö-Reponen, P.; Herrero, C.; Schnee, R.; Ray, S.; De Prada, L.; Mata, T.; Gladkykh, G.; Pechancová, V.; Cooper, A.; Grzeschik, C.; Chebbo, M.; Stier, S.
Addressing Circular Economy and Sustainability of batteries and their value chain
2024. World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF 2024), Brussels, Belgium, April 15–18, 2024 
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; Peters, J.; Erakca, M.; Pinto, S.; Liu, H.; Bahmei, F.; Jasper, F.; Stuhm, P.; Das, S.; Buchgeister, J.; Ersoy, H.
Alternative Batterietechnologien – Fokus Natrium-Ionen-Batterie
2023. Weiterentwicklung und Umsetzung einer Rohstoffwende. Potentiale und Herausforderungen im Mobilitätssektor (2023), Bonn, Germany, November 27, 2023 
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; Peters, J.; Erakca, M.; Pinto Bautista, S.; Liu, H.; Mandade, P.; Jasper, F.; Bahmei, F.; Ersoy, H.
Sustainability-Focused Technology Assessment of Lithium and Post-Lithium Batteries – Resource Criticality, Recycling, and Prospective Life Cycle Assessment
2023. 13th International Advanced Automotive Battery Conference (AABC 2023), Mainz, Germany, June 19–22, 2023 
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; Peters, J.; Erakca, M.; Pinto Bautista, S.; Liu, H.; Mandade, P.; Jasper, F.; Bahmei, F.; Ersoy, H.
Life-cycle oriented sustainability analysis of current and future battery systems
2023. 17th Society and Materials International Conference (SAM 2023), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 9–10, 2023 
Book Chapters
Peters, J. F.; Baumann, M.; Weil, M.; Passerini, S.
On the Environmental Competitiveness of Sodium‐Ion Batteries – Current State of the Art in Life Cycle Assessment
2022. Sodium-Ion Batteries: Materials, Characterization, and Technology, Vol.: 1. Ed.: M.-M. Titirici, Wiley-VCH Verlag. doi:10.1002/9783527825769.ch17
Huang, Y.; Bauer, C.; Burkhardt, S.; Dasgupta, N. P.; Ellingsen, L. A.-W.; Gaines, L. L.; Hao, H.; Hischier, R.; Hu, L.; Huang, Y.-M.; Janek, J.; Liang, C.; Li, H.; Li, J.; Li, Y.; Lu, Y.-C.; Luo, W.; Nazar, L. F.; Olivetti, E. A.; Peters, J. F.; Rupp, J. L. M.; Weil, M.; Whitacre, J. F.; Xu, S.
Advancing the Sustainability of Batteries. A Tongji University/Nature Sustainability Expert Panel Report
2022. Tongji University 
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; Binder, J.; Tomasini, C.; Peters, J.; Erakca, M.; Pinto, S.; Liu, H.; Mandade, P.; Ersoy, H.
Sustainability Implications of Emerging Batteries – Prospective LCA of Sodium and Magnesium Batteries
2022. 15th International Conference on Modern Materials and Technologies (CIMTEC 2022), Perugia, Italy, June 20–24, 2022 
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; Peters, J.; Erakca, M.; Pinto, S.; Liu, H.; Mandade, P.; Ersoy, H.
Kreislaufwirtschaft Batterie: Recycling von gegenwärtige und zukünftige Batterien
2022. ZAWIW Herbstakademie 2022 (2022), Universität Ulm, September 26–29, 2022 
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; Peters, J.; Erakca, M.; Pinto, S.; Liu, H.; Mandade, P.; Ersoy, H.
Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte des Recyclings heutiger und zukünftiger Batterien
2022. 60th Tutzing-Symposion: Circular Economy - Schritte in die Zukunft (2022), Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, May 16–18, 2022 
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; Peters, J.; Erakca, M.; Pinto, S.; Liu, H.; Mandade, P.; Ersoy, H.
Lebenszyklusorientierte Nachhaltigkeitsanalysen - Life Cycle Assessment von Batterien und Umweltaspekte des Recyclings
2022. Webinar „Energiewende: Kritische Rohstoffe für Batterien“ (2022), Online, March 17, 2022 
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; Peters, J.; Erakca, M.; Pinto, S.; Liu, H.; Mandade, P.; Jasper, F.; Thomas Kochuveedu, S.; Bahmei, F.; Ersoy, H.
Data issues for sustainability assessment of present and emerging battery systems
2022. StoRIES Webinar: FAIR and open data for environmental, techno-economic and socio-economic assessments for Energy Storage (2022), Online, October 27, 2022 
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; Peters, J.; Erakca, M.; Pinto, S.; Liu, H.; Mandade, P.; Kochuveedu, S. T.; Bahmei, F.; Ersoy, H.
Lithium Batterien - Rohstoffbedarf & Recycling und die Suche nach Post-Lithium Batterien
2022. IWAR Vortragsreihe - Neues aus der Umwelttechnik (2022), Online, November 14, 2022 
Science Communication on the Internet
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; Peters, J.; Erakca, M.; Pinto, S.; Liu, H.; Mandade, P.; Ersoy, H.
Kreislaufwirtschaft Batterie: Recycling von gegenwärtige und zukünftige Batterien
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; Peters, J.; Erakca, M.; Ersoy, H.; Jasper, F.; Liu, H.; Bautista, S.
Prospective sustainability analysis of present and future battery systems
2021. Cambridge University Energy Technology Society : Term Cards - Michaelmas (CUETS 2021), Cambridge, United Kingdom, November 9, 2021 
Weil, M.; Erakca, M.; Peters, J.; Baumann, M.; Bautista, S.; Liu, H.; Ersoy, H.; Mandade, P.; Yang, J.; Jasper, F.; Emmerich, P.; Grunwald, A.
Recycling von Li-Ionen Batterien – Heute und Morgen
2021. STORENERGY Congress (2021), Online, November 17–18, 2021 
Weil, M.; Peters, J.; Baumann, M.; Erakca, M.; Bautista, S.; Liu, H.; Ersoy, H.
Recycling of Different Battery Types: A First LCA-Based Sustainability Perspective
2021. 11th Advanced automotive battery conference Europe (AABC 2021 2021), Online, January 19–20, 2021 
Book Chapters
Weil, M.; Peters, J. F.; Baumann, M.
Chapter 5 - Stationary battery systems: Future challenges regarding resources, recycling, and sustainability
2020. The Material Basis of Energy Transitions. Ed.: A. Bleicher, 71–89, Academic Press. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-819534-5.00005-2
Book Chapters
Peters, J. F.; Weil, M.; Baumann, M.
The Importance of Recyclability for the Environmental Performance of Battery Systems
2019. Cascade Use in Technologies 2018 : Internationale Konferenz zur Kaskadennutzung und Kreislaufwirtschaft – Oldenburg 2018. Ed.: A. Pehlken, 104–110, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-57886-5_13
Tomasini Montenegro, C.; Peters, J. F.; Zhao-Karger, Z.; Wolter, C.; Weil, M.
Life Cycle Analysis of a Magnesium–Sulfur Battery
2019. Magnesium Batteries – Research and Applications. Ed.: M. Fichtner, 309–330, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC). doi:10.1039/9781788016407-00309
Journal Articles
Peters, J. F.; Emmerich, P.; Baumann, M.; Weil, M.
Recycling of batteries - environmental benefits and limits under a global circular economy perspective
2019. 13th Conference of the Socio-Economic Metabolism Section of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE 2019), Berlin, Germany, May 13–15, 2019 
Peters, J. F.; Mohr, M.; Baumann, M.; Weil, M.
Design for recyclability. Challenges, limits and need for action on the way towards a circular battery economy
2019. 13th Society and Materials International Conference (SAM 2019), Pisa, Italy, May 20–21, 2019 
Peters, J. F.; Weil, M.
Design for recyclability
2019. 12. Fachkonferenz Lithiumbatterien (2019), Frankfurt am Main, Germany, January 21–22, 2019 
Baumann, M.; Peters, J.; Weil, M.; Marcelino, C.
Economic and ecological assessment of stationary batteries using different energy to power ratios
2019. 13th Society and Materials International Conference (SAM 2019), Pisa, Italy, May 20–21, 2019 
Peters, J. F.; Abdelbaky, M.; Baumann, M.; Weil, M.
Environmental assessment of hard carbon anode materials for sodium-ion batteries
2019. 13th Society and Materials International Conference (SAM 2019), Pisa, Italy, May 20–21, 2019 
Book Chapters
Hottenroth, H.; Peters, J.; Baumann, M.; Viere, T.; Tietze, I.
Life-cycle Analysis for Assessing Environmental Impact
2018. Energy Storage Options and Their Environmental Impact. Ed.: R.E. Hester, 261–295, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC). doi:10.1039/9781788015530-00261
Weil, M.; Ziemann, S.; Peters, J.
The Issue of Metal Resources in Li-Ion Batteries for Electric Vehicles
2018. Behaviour of Lithium-Ion Batteries in Electric Vehicles. Ed.: G. Pistoia, 59–74, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-69950-9_3
Journal Articles
Weber, S.; Peters, J. F.; Baumann, M.; Weil, M.
Life Cycle Assessment of a Vanadium Redox Flow Battery
2018. Environmental science & technology, 52 (18), 10864–10873. doi:10.1021/acs.est.8b02073
Peters, J.; Baumann, M.; Weil, M.
Umweltauswirkung, Rohstoffbedarf und Recyclingpotential von Batteriespeichern
2018. Fachforum ’Solar-Stromspeicher’ (2018), Munich, Germany, November 27, 2018 
Peters, J.; Baumann, M.; Weil, M.
Bewertung neuer Batterietechnologien für stationäre Energiespeicherung unter Umweltaspekten
2018. 15. Battery Experts Forum, Aschaffenburg (2018), Aschaffenburg, Germany, February 27–March 1, 2018 
Peters, J. F.; Baumann, M.; Tomassini, C.; Weil, M.
Stationary battery systems: recyclability and the life cycle impact on the depletion of mineral resources
2018. 12th Society and Materials International Conference (SAM 2018), Metz, France, May 22–23, 2018 
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; Peters, J.
Economic and ecological sustainability analysis of batteries for stationary applications
2018. 14th International Ceramics Congress and 8th Forum on New Materials (CIMTEC 2018), Perugia, Italy, June 4–8, 2018 
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; Peters, J. F.
Ressourcenbedarf für Batteriespeicher bis 2050 - Mobile und stationäre Anwendungen
2018. Expertenforum ’Recycling aktueller und zukünftiger Batteriespeicher : Technische, ökonomische un ökologische Implikationen (2018), Karlsruhe, Germany, June 6, 2018 
Weil, M.; Baumann, M.; Ziemann, S.; Peters, J. F.
Batteries for stationary grid application. Potential resource demand until 2050
2018. 12th Society and Materials International Conference (SAM 2018), Metz, France, May 22–23, 2018 
Minke, C.; Peters, J. F.; Baumann, M.; Weil, M.
Environmental assessment of vanadium redox flow batteries
2018. 28th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting (2018), Rome, Italy, May 13–17, 2018 
Peters, J. F.; Baumann, M.; Rodriguez Garcia, G.; Ziemann, S.; Weil, M.
Prospective assessment of emerging energy storage devices in early design phase
2018. Expertenforum ’Recycling aktueller und zukünftiger Batteriespeicher : Technische, ökonomische un ökologische Implikationen (2018), Karlsruhe, Germany, June 6, 2018 
Peters, J. F.; Weil, M.; Baumann, M. J.
Batterierecycling - Umweltauswirkungen und potentieller Ressourcenbedarf
2018. Expertenforum ’Recycling aktueller und zukünftiger Batteriespeicher : Technische, ökonomische un ökologische Implikationen (2018), Karlsruhe, Germany, June 6, 2018 
Tomasini Montenegro, C.; Peters, J. F.; Baumann, M. J.; Weil, M.
Streamlined life cycle assessment of emerging batteries in early design phases by using CCaLC2 tool
2018. 28th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting (2018), Rome, Italy, May 13–17, 2018 
Tomasini Montenegro, C.; Peters, J. F.; Zhao-Karger, Z.; Weil, M.
Streamlined LCA of a non-corrosive electrolyte for rechargeable Mg batteries
2018. HIU Biennial Meeting (2018), Ulm, Germany, July 3–4, 2018 
Weil, M.; Adelmann, P.; Garcia, G. R.; Baumann, M.; Peters, J. F.; Schirle, M.; Petri, A.; Hellpap, C.; Hoffmann, J.
Environmental evaluation of waste management options for secondary batteries in developing countries
2018. 12th Society and Materials International Conference (SAM 2018), Metz, France, May 22–23, 2018 
Weil, M.; Adelmann, P.; Garcia, G. R.; Baumann, M.; Peters, J. F.; Schirle, M.; Petri, A.; Hellpap, C.; Hoffmann, J.
Environmental evaluation of waste management options for secondary batteries in developing countries
2018. Expertenforum ’Recycling aktueller und zukünftiger Batteriespeicher : Technische, ökonomische un ökologische Implikationen (2018), Karlsruhe, Germany, June 6, 2018 
Journal Articles
Peters, J. F.; Baumann, M.; Zimmermann, B.; Braun, J.; Weil, M.
The environmental impact of Li-Ion batteries and the role of key parameters – A review
2017. Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 67, 491–506. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2016.08.039
Peters, J. F.; Banks, S. W.; Bridgwater, A. V.; Dufour, J.
A kinetic reaction model for biomass pyrolysis processes in Aspen Plus
2017. Applied energy, 188, 595–603. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.12.030
Conference Papers
Baumann, M.; Peters, J.; Weil, M.; Marcelino, C.; Almeida, P.; Wanner, E.
Environmental impacts of different battery technologies in renewable hybrid micro-grids
2017. ISGT Europe 2017 - Enabling the Transition to a More Electric World : IEEE International Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, Torino, I, September 26-29, 2017, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ISGTEurope.2017.8260137
Baumann, M.; Peters, J.; Weil, M.; Marcelino, C.; Almeida, P.; Wanner, E.
Environmental impacts of different battery technologies in renewable hybrid micro-grids (HMGS)
2017. ISGT Europe 2017 - Enabling the Transition to a More Electric World : IEEE International Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, Torino, I, September 26-29, 2017 
Baumann, M.; Peters, J. F.; Weil, M.
Dynamic LCA of stationary battery systems in a renewable-based decentralized grid
2017. Consequencial LCA for Decision Support : 23rd SETAC Europe LCA Case Study Symposium, Barcelona, E, November 27-28, 2017 
Peters, J. F.; Weil, M.
About exergy based approaches for assessing abiotic resource depletion of battery production
2017. 5th International Exergy, Life Cycle Assessment, and Sustainability Workshop and Symposium (ELCAS5), Nisyros, GR, July 9-11, 2017 
Baumann, M.; Zimmermann, B.; Peters, J.; Weil, M.; Martins, N. C.
Environmental performance of Li-ion batteries for direct marketing of wind power - intermediate results
2017. 11th Meeting of the Society And Materials Conference (SAM-11), Trondheim, N, May 15-16, 2017 
Journal Articles
Weil, M.; Peters, J.; Baumann, M.; Dura, H.; Zimmermann, B.
Elektrochemische Energiespeicher für mobile Anwendungen im Fokus der Systemanalyse
2015. Technikfolgenabschätzung - Theorie und Praxis, 24 (3), 20–29 Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document