Anja Folberth, M.A.

  • Scientific staff until 2021
  • resigned
  • Research group “Digital Technologies and Societal Change”
  • Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse (ITAS)
    Postfach 3640
    76021 Karlsruhe

Fields of work

  • Normative choices in algorithmic decision making and risk-based regulation
  • Theories of bio power and bio politics in the context of medical ethics
  • Genetic knowledge and genetic responsibility in societal discourses
  • Care politics, application of robotics in care
  • Theories of justice, theories of power and theories of recognition

Professional background

2016 - 2019 Studies of political science focussing on political theory at the University of Heidelberg and Aarhus University, M.A.
2013 - 2016 Studies of political science and philosophy at the University of Heidelberg, B.A.


Book Chapters
Orwat, C.; Bareis, J.; Folberth, A.; Jahnel, J.; Wadephul, C.
Risikoregulierung von künstlicher Intelligenz und automatisierten Entscheidungen
2022. Künstliche Intelligenz - Ethik und Recht. Hrsg. von Thomas Hoeren, Stefan Pinelli, 255–287, Verlag C.H.Beck 
Folberth, A.; Bareis, J.; Jahnel, J.; Orwat, C.; Wadephul, C.
Tackling problems, harvesting benefits: a systematization of academic AI regulation approaches
2022. 5th European Technology Assessment Conference (ETAC5 2022), Karlsruhe, Germany, July 25–27, 2022 
Folberth, A.
Grundrechtliche und datenschutzrechtliche Aspekte der KI-basierten Videoüberwachung
2021. Videoüberwachung mit KI Unterstützung - funktioniert Sicherheit durch Überwachung? (2021), Online, February 13, 2021 
Orwat, C.; Bareis, J.; Folberth, A.; Jahnel, J.; Wadephul, C.
Risk Regulation of Artificial Intelligence and Automated Decision-Making Systems
2021. International Workshop “Governance of and by Algorithms" (GOAL 2021), Online, April 9, 2021