Technology Assessment Correspondence Course [22.12.2014]

The energy transition creates new challenges for people working in the sector. A continuing education program of the KIT Fernstudienzentrum (Distance Learning Center) under the aegis of ITAS provides professionals with important key qualifications.
Looking at professional experience from a scientific point of view – an opportunity offered by the correspondence course (illustration: FSZ)

The six-month continuing education course “Technology Assessment and Energy Transition” starts with a kick-off event on the Internet on February 2, 2014. The course focuses on the conditions of the energy transition that go beyond expert knowledge of economy and technology. The course takes place online on the learning platform Moodle and includes two two-day face-to-face events in Karlsruhe.

Based on the topics of “Alternative Propulsion Concepts”, “Future Electricity Supply“, and „Energy Storage“, the continuing education course shows the opportunities and challenges of the energy transition. Participants will learn to analyze technological developments, conditions in the energy sector and societal needs and to assess future developments.

“Technology assessment is interdisciplinary in its very approach. By learning how to explore the energy transition ‘from all angles’, the graduates of the course gain a better understanding of the complexity of this development and of analyzing possible influencing factors,” says Michael Decker, Deputy Head of ITAS and Scientific Manager of the correspondence course.

Further information