Lessons from CONCERTO for policy-makers [05.12.2013]

As part of the Conference "Energy Solutions for Smart Cities and Communities", held from 22nd to 23rd of October 2013 in the European Commission in Brussels, ITAS led a session on the policy results of the analysis of the CONCERTO funding stream. The theme of the Session was "The benefits of smart energy districts - policy developments following the implementation of CONCERTO projects". CONCERTO provides funding to 58 sites in 23 countries across Europe for the implementation of climate change mitigation measures in the built environment. Apart from energy efficiency measures applied to new and existing buildings renewable energy technologies were also implemented.

The first presentation by Andrea Immendoerfer (ITAS) set out policy developments in the wake of CONCERTO at local and sometimes even national level, which contribute to an EU-wide energy transition. Furthermore policy recommendations based on the policy analysis undertaken by ITAS as part of the 3 year project CONCERTO Premium were presented.

Two further presentations presented specific experiences of the CONCERTO projects in Hanover and Lyon. The "Renovate Europe Campaign" presented the macro-economic advantages of wide-spread energy efficiency retrofitting.

The ITAS report "Energy solutions for smart cities and communities – Recommendations for Policy Makers from the 58 Pilots of the CONCERTO initiative" will provide further details. It will be available as an electronic version as well as a printable version in English and can be pre-ordered via http://concerto.eu/concerto/contact.html.

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