New publication: "Zukünftige Themen der Innovations- und Technikanalyse" [23.03.2012]

Four short studies of the ITA-Monitoring-project "Identification of future topics for the innovation and technology analysis" exemplify the demand of innovation and technology analysis in the thematic fields of "Electromobility", "Smart Grids", "Sticky information" and "Non-medical applications of neuroscience".

In the report "Future topics for the innovation and technology analysis: methods and selected results" edited by Michael Decker, Torsten Fleischer, Jens Schippl and Nora Weinberger the scientific ITA-Monitoring-project, it’s characteristics and the procedures and methods used for the identification of themes are described, on the one hand. On the other hand the report includes the studies mentioned above.

In each of the four studies transdisciplinary situation descriptions of feasible chances and risks respectively potentials and options were elaborated as well as recommendations on problem-adequate methodological approaches for the elaboration of specific problem solutions for the respective thematic field are given.

The four studies contained in this anthology in brief:

"Electromobility", by Oliver S. Kaiser, Sarah Meyer und Jens Schippl

Electric vehicles make an environmentally friendly and future-oriented mobility possible, which becomes more and more important due to ever more stringent emission limits and an increasing scarcity of resources. The study discusses the main technological developments, the existing and anticipated socioeconomic interactions and presents the state of the art.

"Smart Grids", by Daniel Pathmaperuma und Jens Schippl

According to the concept 'Smart network components' new possibilities for future energy systems are closely allied. But at the same time, the approach entails quite an amount of technical and non-technical challenges, which are evaluated in this article.

"Sticky information", by Nora Weinberger, Arnd Weber und Sven Reisch

The study reflects the fact that modern information- and communication technologies nowadays allow individuals an uncomplicated exchange of information. But at the same time they are economically useable as well as publicly and globally available.

"Non-medical applications of neuroscience" by Leonhard Hennen und Christopher Coenen

Over the last two decades, neurosciences have developed to a research-political, but also publicly attentive field of multidisciplinary research, which is discussed in detail with regard to non-medical applications in the study.

Bibliographic data:

Decker, M.; Fleischer, T.; Schippl, J.; Weinberger, N.
Zukünftige Themen der Innovations- und Technikanalyse: Methodik und ausgewählte Ergebnisse. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing 2012
(KIT Scientific Reports 7605)
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