Revised and updated new edition: "Sustainability" [12.03.2012]

"Sustainability" turned into a global key guiding vision in policy, economy and science. At its core, it is about the search for an equitable model of civilization and economy, which suitably considers responsibility for all human beings living today and in future. The authors provide a comprehensive and systematic overview of the foundations and the background of sustainability and present the current state in terms of defining concepts, operationalization, measurement and implementation. Additionally, this revised and extended edition picks up new issues such as the debate about (de)growth, demographic development, climate policy and a "culture of sustainability". This introduction into "sustainability" draws on a wide range of sustainability research carried out in ITAS for the last twenty years.

Bibliographic data:
Grunwald, A.; Kopfmüller, J.
Nachhaltigkeit. Frankfurt am Main: Campus 2012. 2. aktualisierte Auflage. 279 Seiten. ISBN 978-3-593-39397-1 (Reihe Campus Studium)