Work Organisation and Restructuring in the Knowledge Society - WORKS

  • Project team:

    Krings, Bettina-Johanna (Project leader); Linda Nierling; Martin Bechmann

  • Funding:

    European Commission, FP6, 2002-Citizens-3

  • Start date:


  • End date:


  • Project partners:

    Hoger Instituut voor de Arbeit (HIVA), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgien (Koordination) und 17 weitere Institute

  • Research group:

    Knowledge society and knowledge policy

Project description

The main objective of the WORKS project (Work Organisation and Restructuring in the Knowledge Society) is to improve the understanding of changes in work in the knowledge based society, their driving forces and their implications for the use of knowledge and skills and the quality of life. The research objective will be achieved through a comprehensive program of research involving several disciplines and in several countries.

These goals will be achieved through the following means:

  • Integrating the knowledge on changes in work in the knowledge-based society
  • Assessing, improving and furthering the exploitation of existing quantitative data sources of the National and European Statistical System, including the development of a roadmap and related initiatives for more convergence of instruments to measure changes in work on the European level
  • Innovating the knowledge on changes in work and the quality of life by carrying out qualitative research on work organization, use of knowledge and skills and quality of working life in selected business functions or activities at organizational and networks level
  • Innovating the knowledge on the implications of changes in work in the knowledge-based society by conducting qualitative empirical research at the individual and household levels, analyzing aspects of quality of work, time use, learning and occupational identities
  • Contributing to extending insight into the future of work by developing appropriate forecasting methods


Journal Articles
Conference Papers
Nierling, L.
Recognition of unpaid work in the perspective of degrowth
2010. 2nd Internat.Conf.on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Barcelona, E, March 26-29, 2010 
Krings, B. J.
Work restructuring in the knowledge society: changes on the individual work level
2010. Conf.’O Futuro do Trabalho na Sociedade do Conhecimento’, Morada, P, 2 de Junho de 2010 
Krings, B. J.; Nierling, L.
Globalized work on the move - how to recombine technological and organisational systems?
2010. 17th ISA World Congress of Sociology, Göteborg, S, July 11-17, 2010 
Krings, B. J.; Nierling, L.
Das allmähliche Verschwinden sozialethischer Standards. Technische Systeme und die Re-Organisation globalisierter Arbeit
2010. Die Ethisierung der Technik und ihre Bedeutung für Technikfolgenabschätzung : Internat.Konf., Wien, A, 31.Mai - 1.Juni 2010 
Nierling, L.
Holistic working concepts in modern societies - revision and update of “old” debates on “new” approaches on work
2010. 1st Global Conference: The Value of Work (2010), Prague, Czechia, November 5–7, 2010 
Nierling, L.
Recognition of unpaid work in the perspective of degrowth
2010. 2nd International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity (2010), Barcelona, Spain, March 26–29, 2010 
Nierling, L.; Krings, B. J.
European ways of living and working. Current changes in working time and work-life balance
2010. Mid-term Conf.of the European Sociological Association’s, RN 14: Gender Relations in the Labour Market and the Welfare State, Leicester, GB, September 30 - October 1, 2010 
Nierling, L.
Changing the relationship between paid and unpaid work - a sustainable working model in the perspective of degrowth
2010. 2nd International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity (2010), Barcelona, Spain, March 26–29, 2010 
Book Chapters
Bannink, D.; Brandao Moniz, A.; Ramires Paulos, M.; Krings, B.; Nierling, L.
The future of work in European knowledge societies: policy implications
2009. Meil, P. [Hrsg.] Challenges for Europe under Value Chain Restructuring : Contributions to Policy Debates Leuven : Katholieke Univ.Leuven, Higher Inst.of Labour Studies, 2009, 85–109 
Nierling, L.
Die Anerkennung von ’Arbeit’ in der Erwerbsarbeit und der Nicht-Erwerbsarbeit
2009. Herlyn, G. [Hrsg.] Arbeit und Nicht-Arbeit : Entgrenzungen und Begrenzungen von Lebensbereichen und Praxen München [u.a.] : Rainer Hampp Verl., 2009 (Arbeit und Alltag ; Bd.1), 283–97 
Krings, B. J.; Nierling, L.; Pedaci, M.; Piersanti, M.
Working time, gender and work-life balance
2009. Leuven : Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Higher Institute of Labour Studies, 2009 
Journal Articles
Krings, B. J.; Nierling, L.; Pedaci, M.
Quali strategie die conciliazione tra lavoro e vita davanti alla destandardizzazione degli orari
2009. Quaderni Rassegnasindacale, (2009), (1), 73–86 
Krings, B.-J.
Working time, gender, work-life balance
2009. Quaderni rassegnasindacale lavoni, (37), 73–86 
Krings, B.-J.
The future of work under global restructuring: Results of the European project WORKS
2009. Technikfolgenabschätzung, Theorie und Praxis, 18 (2), 70–73 
Nierling, L.; Parodi, O.; Behrendt, M.; Biesecker, A.; Ergenzinger, A.; Friese, M.; Hofmeister, S.; Knothe, B.; Kruse, S.; Mölders, T.; Schön, S.; Scurrell, B.; Winterfeld, U. von
Behrendt, M.; Biesecker, A.; Ergenzinger, A.; Friese, M.; Hofmeister, S.; Knothe, B.; Kruse, S.; Mölders, T.; Schön, S.; Scurrell, B.; Winterfeld, U. von: Blockierter Wandel? Denk- und Handlungsräume f. eine nachh. Regionalentw. München, Oekom 2007
2009. Zeitschrift für angewandte Umweltforschung, 19 (1-2), 222–223 
Krings, B. J.
Technology assessment as a tool of reflection in knowledge-based societies
2009. 2nd Conf.on Foresight Studies on Work in the Knowledge Society, Monte de Caparica, P, January 26-27, 2009 
Krings, B. J.
When work is globalized. New threats to family and work-life balance
2009. Globalized Ergonomics : The Consequences of Globalization (NES 2009), Helsingoer, DK, June 22-24, 2009 
Nierling, L.
Anerkennung in der Erwerbsarbeit und Nicht-Erwerbsarbeit. Empirische Analyse
2009. 5.Berliner Methodentreffen Qualitative Forschung, Berlin, 26.Juni 2009 
Nierling, L.
Progress or regress? The occupational dimension of gender relations in the knowledge society
2009. Internat.Workshop on ’Changes of Work in Knowledge-based Societies’, Karlsruhe, May 28-29, 2009 
Nierling, L.; Krings, B. J.
Global trends in gender relations. Case study evidence from different occupations
2009. 2nd Conf.on Foresight Studies on Work in the Knowledge Society, Monte de Caparica, P, January 26-27, 2009 
Journal Articles
Conference Papers
Krings, B. J.
Global restructuring and its effects on occupations: towards a new division of labor?
2008. Technologies of Globalization. Ed.: R. Anderl, 117–129, Eigenverlag 
Krings, B. J.
The importance of ’knowledge’ in modern societies
2008. Visionen der Informationsgesellschaft 2016. Hrsg.: G. Banse, 127–138, trafo 
Krings, B. J.
When work never ends. The gender action plan in the WORKS project
2008. Gender Action Plan Workshop, Bruxelles, B, April 2, 2008 
Krings, B. J.; Nierling, L.
Time is a big issue and this dimension is out of control. Working time, gender, work-life balance
2008. Fragmentation? The future of work in Europe in a global economy : WORKS Final Internat.Conf., Roma, I, October 8-9, 2008 
Nierling, L.
Opportunities and risks in times of globalisation - how gender affects working patterns in different occupations
2008. Vortrag an der Lulea Tekniska Universitet (2008), Luleå, Sweden, November 25, 2008 
Nierling, L.
Die Organisation von Anerkennung
2008. 4.Berliner Methodentreffen Qualitative Forschung, Berlin, 4.-5.Juli 2008 
Book Chapters
Krings, B. J.
Make like a man: the demands of creative work, gender and the management of everyday life
2007. Huws, U. [Hrsg.] The Spark in the Engine : Creative Workers in a Global Economy London : Analytica Publ., 2007 (Work Organisation Labour and Globalisation ; 1.1), 89–107 
Journal Articles
Nierling, L.
The recognition of work
2007. Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies, 3, 55–65 
Nierling, L.; Bechmann, M.
Die Bedeutung von Wissen in der (Re-)Organisation der deutschen Bekleidungsbranche
2007. Technikfolgenabschätzung, Theorie und Praxis, 16 (2), 58–65. doi:10.14512/tatup.16.2.58
Conference Papers
Nierling, L.
Die unterschiedliche Anerkennung von Arbeit. Anerkennungsstrukturen in der Erwerbsarbeit undin erweiterten Arbeitsformen
2007. Bora, A. [Hrsg.] Technology Assessment in der Weltgesellschaft : 2.Konf.des Netzwerks TA, Berlin, 22.-24.November 2006 Berlin : edition sigma, 2007 (Gesellschaft - Technik - Umwelt ; N.F.10), 465–71 
Bechmann, G.
Information society as transformation of organisation and social exclusion. A conceptual framework
2007. 5th Internat.Conf.on Politics and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications, Orlando, Fla., July 8-12, 2007 
Krings, B. J.; Nierling, L.
Family and working life of creative workers - a view beyond the actual debates of the sociology of work
2007. Community, Work and Family II : Making the Connections in a Global Context ; Internat.Conf.of CIES-ISCTE, Lisboa, P, April 12-14, 2007 
Nierling, L.
Anerkennungsstrukturen in der Erwerbsarbeit und in erweiterten Arbeitsformen
2007. Arbeit und Nicht-Arbeit : Entgrenzungen und Begrenzungen von Lebensbereichen und Praxen ; Arbeitstagung der Kommission Arbeitskulturen innerhalb der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Volkskunde, Hamburg, 29.-31.März 2007 
Nierling, L.; Silva, A. V. da
The work-life balance of designers in a globalised clothing industry: a gender approach from Germany and Portugal
2007. Conflict, Citizenship and Civil Society : 8th Annual Conf.of the European Sociological Association, Glasgow, GB, September 3-6, 2007 
Bechmann, M.
Endangered degrees of freedom. IT-workers as knowledge workers
2006. Internat.Conf.on Foresight Studies on Work in the Knowledge Society, Lisboa, P, October 19-20, 2006 
Bechmann, M.; Krings, B.-J.; Nierling, L.
Restructuring in the German clothing industry. First empirical findings
2006. WORKS General Assembly : Organisational Case Studies in the Clothing Industry (2006), Chania, Greece, September 18–19, 2006 
Krings, B. J.
The importance of ’knowledge’ in modern societies
2006. Banse, G. [Hrsg.] Visionen der Informationsgesellschaft 2016 : Tagung, Katowice, PL, 7.-9.Juni 2006 Berlin : Trafo-Verl., 2008 (Network - Cultural Diversity and New Media ; 10), Tagung Katowice (2006), Katowice, Poland, June 7–9, 2006 
Krings, B. J.
Meeting the knowledge-based society. Facts, expectations and visions
2006. Internat.Conf.on Foresight Studies on Work in the Knowledge Society, Lisboa, P, October 19-20, 2006 
Krings, B. J.
Vita Activa - Perspektiven künftiger Arbeits- und Lebensmodelle
2006. Vortr.: Volkshochschule Karlsruhe, 7.März 2006 
Nierling, L.
Anerkennungsstrukturen von Erwerbsarbeit und Folgen für den erweiterten Arbeitsbegriff. Konzeption einer qualitativen Studie
2006. Berliner Methodentreffen Qualitative Forschung, Berlin, 14.-15.Juli 2006 Technology Assessment in der Weltgesellschaft : 2.Konf.des Netzwerks TA, Berlin, 22.-24.November 2006 
Nierling, L.; Krings, B. J.
How does the individual encounter the global? Empirical evidence from the German clothing sector
2006. Industrial Relations and Social Standards in an Internationalized Economy, Jena, November 17-18, 2006 
Krings, B. J.
Knowledge as a driving force for societal changes
2005. Internat.CultMed Workshop ’New Media in the Globalising World: Economic, Social and Cultural Dimensions’, Tychy, PL, December 2, 2005 


Dr. Bettina-Johanna Krings
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)
P.O. Box 3640
76021 Karlsruhe

Tel.: +49 721 608-26347