Playing sustainability

How can CO2 emissions be effectively restricted in a globalized world? A team of the ITAS´s real world lab has developed a board game for the didactical use e.g. at schools. It allows its players to immerse in crucial questions of sustainable living.
Brettspiel "Lebe global" des Quartier Zukunft
Materials of “Lebe global” with CO2 counter.
Brettspiel "Lebe Global"
Testing the game in the “Future Space”. (Pictures: Jasmina Pislevikj)

The educative board game has been developed under the direction of Jasmina Pislevikj. Funded by the German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU), the Energy and Sustainability Researcher from Macedonia works at ITAS from March 2018 to February 2019.

The newly developed board game “Lebe Global” (Live Globally), is addressing sustainable living, CO2 emissions and environmental aspects related to the everyday choices people make and the surrounding circumstances of their everyday life. The main idea is attracting attention, raising awareness and initiating discussions about the tackled topics in manner of motivating changes and behavioral adaptations to a sustainable living.

The game is suitable for four players aged 12+, an extension for diverse play modes is in the planning. “Lebe global” has been intensively tested in the Future Space in Karlsruhe’s Oststadt and in local schools. The game can be provided on request and tested at regular playing events. (23.11.2018)

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