Risk analysis emergency data management

Project description

Creative Commons CC0 / mcmurryjulie (pixabay)

The E-Health Act has provided a roadmap for faster networking of all stakeholders in the health care system. In addition, patient data should be downloadable more quickly. In the course of this, the first voluntary, medical application “Emergency data management” (NFDM) of the electronic health-card (eGK) will be supported by 2018 with the provision of medical data of the patient, as far as necessary for emergency care.

In the future, doctors will be able to record – two separate data sets on the patients’ eGK. These are

  1. Medical information relating to emergency (emergency data set);
  2. Reference to the storage/filing location of the patients’ declarations of intent (personal data record).

The objective of the emergency data set is to provide physicians with information about the patient's history (e.g. permanent diagnoses, long-term medications) that have to be immediately downloadable to avoid an unfavorable course of the disease in certain treatment situations.

The gematik Gesellschaft für Telematikanwendungen der Gesundheitskarte mbH is currently preparing the trial of the application of emergency data management. Within this framework, the IZT, together with ITAS, carries out a risk analysis of emergency data management.

This risk analysis NFDM includes a theoretical analysis in the form of a scientific report including recommendations of action for testing the NFDM of the eGK. Based on the data resulting from a consultation of medical emergency and acute care experts medical risks resulting from the use of NFDM and options for action to reduce potential medical risks should be identified. Results of the risk analysis should prepare the scientific evaluation of the subsequent testing. Furthermore, they should directly influence the testing of the NDFM in form of concrete composition recommendations.


Journal Articles
Bröckerhoff, P.; Evers-Wölk, M.; Sonk, M.; Pein, K.; Weinberger, N.; Krings, B.-J.; Woopen, C.
Bedarfe der Gesundheitsversorgung : Biografische und kulturelle Vielfalt beachten
2021. Deutsches Ärzteblatt <Köln> / C, 118 (42), A-1924 / B-1587 
Journal Articles
Bröckerhoff, P.; Evers-Wölk, M.; Sonk, M.; Pein, K.; Krings, B.-J.; Weinberger, N.; Woopen, C.
Gesundheitskonzepte im Wandel: Primat der Lebensqualität in alternden Gesellschaften
2020. Deutsches Ärzteblatt, 117 (50), A2464-A2468 
Evers-Wölk, M.; Bröckerhoff, P.; Krings, B.-J.; Pein, K.; Sonk, M.; Weinberger, N.; Dorin, L.; Woopen, C.
Ein Netz der solidarischen Pflege aufspannen
2020. Pflegezeitschrift, (12) 
Krings, B.-J.; Weinberger, N.; Müller-Werdan, U.
Das Prinzip “Prävention” im Rahmen des demographischen Wandels
2020. Gesundheit und Gerechtigkeit weiter denken: Normenwandel im Gesundheitswesen der alternden Gesellschaft - Abschlusssymposium des Projekts NoWa (2020), Cologne, Germany, January 31, 2020 
Krings, B.-J.
Zwischen Egotrip und Vermassung. Wohin steuert die Gesellschaft der Individuen?
2019. Zwischen Egotrip und Vermassung. Wohin steuert die Gesellschaft der Individuen? (2019), Dessau, Germany, November 28, 2019 
Krings, B.-J.
Robotik in der Pflege - Drei Thesen aus Sicht der TA
2019. Öffentliches Fachgespräch “Robotik in der Pflege - gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen” (2019), Berlin, Germany, February 20, 2019 
Krings, B.-J.
Digitalisierung als Technisierung der Pflege
2019. 26. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises “Frauengesundheit” (2019), Berlin, Germany, November 2–3, 2019 
Krings, B.-J.
Intimate information: Die Erhebung von Daten in der Pflege
2018. ATWT-Jahrestagung 2018: Daten als Rohstoff? Digitalisierungsprozesse in wirtschaftsethischer Perspektive (ATWT 2018), Hanover, Germany, March 16–17, 2018 


Dipl.-Ing. Nora Weinberger
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)
P.O. Box 3640
76021 Karlsruhe

Tel.: 0721 608-23972