Podcast zu 3D-Druck

3D printing is seen as a technology with a huge potential for a wide range of applications. What the innovative manufacturing technology exactly does and how it could be used by society is the topic of a new, five-part podcast series.
Cover des Podcasts "Auf Knopfdruck"
Graphic: Cluster 3DMM2O

3D printing is seen as a technology with a huge potential for a wide range of applications. What the innovative manufacturing technology exactly does and how it could be used by society is the topic of a new, five-part podcast series.

Developing next-generation 3D printing technologies is the goal of the “3D Matter Made to Order” Cluster of Excellence. ITAS is responsible for assessing the social consequences and initiating a dialogue between science and society on the goals of the technology.

This is where the podcast “Auf Knopfdruck – 3D-Druck für die Gesellschaft von morgen” (At the push of a button – 3D printing for tomorrow’s society) sets in, which explores the role of 3D printing in society in five episodes. The podcast, produced by ITAS together with the Cluster of Excellence, asks what is already happening today at the “push of a button” and what may be possible in the near future. It also looks at how innovative manufacturing technologies are received and used by society.

First episodes on the term “3D printing” and work in “Makerspaces”

The first episode “Ein Begriff, viele Technologien” (One term, many technologies) explores what is meant by “3D printing”. Science journalist Isabelle Rogge discusses the topic with physicist Martin Wegener from the Institute of Applied Physics at KIT and sociologist Andreas Lösch from ITAS. The second episode takes a look at public workshops, so-called FabLabs or makerspaces, where tinkerers realize creative projects, with Philipp Brenner from the ZEISS Makerspace ∂ KIT and Gerd Keller from FabLab Karlsruhe.

The podcast is released on a weekly basis and is available on all major platforms. (19.07.2022)

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