Special Issue Megacities in ERDE published [27.04.2010]

In April 2010, Nr. 4/2009 of the geographical journal "Die Erde" was published as a special issue dedicated to "Megacity research". In this issue, essential research topics are addressed by different authors and the research initiatives currently working in Germany are introduced. As editors of the issue, Jürgen Kopfmüller and Helmut Lehn have contributed the editorial and, with co-authors from the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig, an article on the integrative research approach developed and applied within the joined Helmholtz project "Risk Habitat Megacity". The articles are based on former publications in the journal TATuP Nr. 1/2009. For this publication they have been thoroughly revised and are presented here in English for the first time.

For further questions please contact the editors.

Bibliographical references:
Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin (Forum für Erdsystem- und Erdraumforschung): "Megacity Research".
Berlin, 2009. Heft 4/2009 der Zeitschrift "DIE ERDE". ISBN 978-3-87670-909-3
