TAB report No 123. 2008 about "Energy Storage - State and Perspectives" is available online [22.10.2008]

Energy storage facilities are a key component in energy supply systems because they allow to timely match supply to a variable demand. Particularly for the "volatile" energy forms electricity and heat there are little economically attractive large-scale storage technologies available today. Especially in energy systems with a high contribution of fluctuating renewable energy sources the availability of storage technologies could be paramount.

An overview of storage technologies with their respective state of development is provided, economic perspectives and relevant time scales for market introduction and environmental implications are discussed. Also the need for storage technologies is highlighted with reference to security of supply, network management and the integration of renewable energies into supply systems. Future needs for research and funding are identified.

Bibliographical references:
Dagmar Oertel
Energiespeicher – Stand und Perspektiven (Energy Storage - State and Perspectives)
Berlin: Büro für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung beim Deutschen Bundestag 2008 (TAB), (TAB-Arbeitsbericht Nr. 123)


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