Brune, H.; Ernst, H.; Grunwald, A.; Grünwald, W.; Hofmann, H.; Krug, H.; Janich, P.; Mayor, M.; Rathgeber, W.; Schmid, G.; Simon, U.; Vogel, V.; Wyrwa, D.

Assessment and Perspectives

Berlin: Springer, ISBN 3-540-32819-X, 492 Seiten, 106,95 Euro
[Titelbild]   [Foreword]   [List of Authors]   [Contents]


The Europäische Akademie zur Erforschung von Folgen wissenschaftlich-technischer Entwicklungen Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler GmbH is concerned with the study of the consequences of scientific and technological advance both for the individual and social human life and for the natural environment. It intends to contribute to finding a rational way for society to deal with the consequences of scientific and technological developments. This aim is mainly realised by proposing recommendations for options of action with long-term social acceptance. The results of the work of the Europäische Akademie is published in the series "Wissenschaftsethik und Technikfolgenbeurteilung" (Ethics of Science and Technology Assessment), Springer Verlag.

This book is dedicated to Nanotechnology, considered by many as a key to the 21st century. This fascinating field of research and development is driven by inputs from different academic disciplines. Accordingly, conformal with its acknowledged work principle, the Europäische Akademie set up an interdisciplinary project group of recognised scientists from various European universities and other institutions to tackle the issue. I would like to give my thanks to Professor Dr. Günter Schmid (group chair), Professor Dr. Harald Brune, Professor Dr. Holger Ernst, Professor Dr. Armin Grunwald, Dr. Werner Grünwald, Professor Dr.-Ing. Heinrich Hofmann, Professor Dr. Harald Krug, Professor Dr. Peter Janich, Professor Dr. Marcel Mayor, Professor Dr. Ulrich Simon and Professor Dr. Viola Vogel for their cooperation as well as to Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Rathgeber for coordinating the project on behalf of the Europäische Akademie and to DipL-Chem. Daniel Wyrwa for assisting the group. Special thanks go to Katharina Mader and Friederike Wütscher for the editorial work in preparing the text for print.

Carl Friedrich Gethmann
Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler, January 2006

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