Analyse der Umweltauswirkungen bei der Herstellung, dem Einsatz und der Entsorgung von CFK- bzw. Aluminiumrumpfkomponenten

M. Achternbosch, K.-R. Bräutigam, C. Kupsch, B. Reßler, G. Sardemann
Karlsruhe: Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe 2003
(Wissenschaftliche Berichte, FZKA 6879)
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Within the project for the first time the mass and energy consumption related to the production, use and recycling of a CFRP fuselage and a conventional aluminium fuselage was analysed, modelled and compared. For the analysis of the aluminium and CFRP production lines the main process steps from the mining of the raw materials to the final product were identified and connected to a process chain with modules, which contain single processes or accumulated processes representing a complete production step. As a result, it can be stated that the primary energy demand for both process chains is roughly on the same level. The analysis of the aluminium and CFRP production chains revealed some major energy and material intensive steps that offer potential for more economic operations some of which are about to be applied in the near future.

The use of CFRP in the considered fuselage components of the single aisle reference airliner could reduce its weight to approximately 30 % in comparison to the conventional aluminium fuselage. This results in fuel savings up to 4 % during service life time. For additional weight reduction and fuel saving the total airliner should be taken into consideration.

At the moment it is not possible to assess the advantages or disadvantages of the two considered materials in respect to maintenance and repair because the expenditure of repair depends on the extent and place of the damages.

In the context of this study only the production residues are considered, the recycling of new parts rejected due to defect, exchange spare parts or the fate of the complete fuselage are neglected up to now. Mostly CFRP residues are deposited. Recycling technologies for residues of CFRP, fibres and resins are still in the beginnings. At present the material is normally shreddered to particles of defined size and used as admixture in secondary polymeric products like e.g. sheet moulding compounds. It can be stated that currently particle recycling and pyrolysis seem to be the most interesting ways for the recycling of CFRP residues. Nevertheless there is still no market for processed CFRP residues.

Stand: 10.12.2003 - Kommentare an:     Matthias Achternbosch