Technikbilder und Technikkonzepte im Wandel -
eine technikphilosophische und allgemeintechnische Analyse

Banse, G.; Meier, B.; Wolffgramm, H. (Hrsg.)
Karlsruhe: Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe 2002
(Wissenschaftliche Berichte, FZKA 6697)


This volume contains contributions resulting from an expert discussion on Technology Images and Concepts of Technology in Transition - an analysis in the philosophy of technology and general technology". This expert discussion took place on 6 October 2000 at the State Pedagogical Institute Brandenburg in Ludwigsfelde-Struveshof and was conceived and organized co-operatively by the Research Centre Karlsruhe, Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis, the University of Potsdam, Institute for The Theory of Work/Technology and Professor Horst Wolffgramm, Frankfurt(Oder). It was the aim of the expert discussion to compile, compare and relate the various positions in the philosophy of technology, general technology science, the history of technology and the didactics of technology on the conceptualisation" of technology as a basis for generally understanding technology or for a scientifically based image of technology" to each other, and then to make them accessible for curricula within a framework of conceiving general technical education at all school levels.

The contributions are grouped according to the two main foci of the event: On the one hand they are concerned with determining a contemporary concept of technology (Image of technology"). One of the aims is to characterise technological change from the historical-genetic perspective and in this way to access technology as a work of mankind, as an important element of our culture. At the same time it is necessary to forecast future developments or to make future paths of development visible to enable the indication of change by basic innovations. Second, on this basis and supported by educational theory, conclusions are drawn for future-oriented technical general education for all students. The main focus in this is on the linkage between goals, content and subject-specific methods. In order to enable the determination of competence of any individual possessing general education in the area of technology, much attention is devoted to the typical ways of thinking and working in technology and the technical sciences.

Last update: 04.11.2002 - Comments to:     Gerhard Banse