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"Theoretical Suggestions regarding the SOWING-Project"

Vortrag auf dem Meeting des EU-Projekts "Information Society, Work and the Generation of New Forms of Social Exclusion" (SOWING), 18.-20. Februar 2000 in Heidelberg.

Günther Frederichs
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung
und Systemanalyse (ITAS)
Postfach 3640
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E-mail: info@itas.kit.edu
Internet: Homepage von Günther Frederichs


Theories dealing with "Information Society" give little orientation for empirical research, especially regarding the interregional comparison of the development of economic enterprises:

In this lecture suggestions for a systems-theoretical approach are given which promise to overcome these deficiencies. The societal role of technology is described by the principle of ruling out societal complexity. This principle in its technological form is called "Functioning Simplification" and some suggestive examples of the New Technologies are described, such as "programming", "digitilization", and "server". But this principle is also valid in a non-technological context and indeed describes contemporary observations of societal change, such as "globalisation", "individualisation", "network", and "flexibilisation".

In a systems-theoretical approach there are at least two topics which deal with this principle: "functional differentiation" and "medium". By observing that the applications of the computer are determined only weakly by the computer itself we get the opportunity to describe the New Technologies as a medium: It consists of myriads of loose coupled applications in which specific technological systems (for instance technical equipment of firms) are inscribed as forms.

With "medium" the theory is focused on communication and leads us closer to the social dimension of technology. This seems to be more in line with the images of regions and nations which are hawked in politics and mass media. For instance, sometimes the Finnish people are seen as the "winners" of technological development. In terms of technology as a medium we can interpret this with the help of "self-images" in relation to technology.

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