News 2017

News on publications you can find below.

Future Space of the Urban Transition LabKIT supports new Transformation Center

The successful urban transition lab “District Future – Urban Lab” plans to establish a “Transformation Center for Sustainable Futures and Cultural Change” in Karlsruhe. The project is funded by the KIT with 150.000 euros in the next year. 

Dissertation on sustainability conflicts as part of the Kopernikus project ENaviDissertation on sustainability conflicts

Based on the ethics of Aristotle, Armin Bangert wants to confront relativistic positions in the debate on the German energy transition. His dissertation is part of the Kopernikus project ENavi – navigation system for the energy transition.

technik.kontrovers - „Wissen|schaf(f)t Wahrheit?“Thematic evening “Wissen|schaf(f)t Wahrheit?”

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017, at 6 p.m. the next session of the ITAS series of events “technik.kontrovers” will take place. Scientists and the audience discuss about the role of science in uncertain times.

Logo TABTAB now on Twitter

Communication about activities and work results should be intensified.

Visions of in vitro meatProject on in vitro meat completed

On behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), an ITAS team researched the technical and social aspects and concepts of in vitro meat over a period of two years. The results are now available.

Logo SOTEC-radioSocio-technical challenges in storage and disposal of radioactive waste

Selecting an option for the disposal of high-level radioactive waste includes social processes and technological requirements which are inextricably linked. ITAS examines these mutual interdependencies in the SOTEC-radio project.

Karsten Wendland, visiting professor at ITASVisiting professor researches “artificial consciousness”

Since September 2017, Karsten Wendland has been a visiting professor at ITAS. The media computer scientist addresses the subject of “artificial consciousness” in Karlsruhe, which is said to be the Holy Grail in the field of artificial intelligence.

ITAS session at World Water WeekInteractive ITAS session at the World Water Week in Stockholm

The water-energy nexus group at ITAS wants to consider wastewater no longer as waste but as a resource. The researchers motivated participants to change their perspectives at the most important water conference worldwide.

Protest am 18.09.2010 in Berlin vor dem Reichstag. Foto: KaiMartin, CC BY-SA 3.0. Quelle: commons.wikimedia.orgRadioactive waste: research group invites to conference

How can highly radioactive waste be safely disposed of? Researchers from various disciplines will discuss this at the ENTRIA final conference in Braunschweig from 26 - 30 September 2017. ITAS participates with numerous talks. Citizens are invited to join.

TATuP the ITAS journal on technology assessment in theory and practiceRelaunch TATuP: Same name, new look

From now on the ITAS journal on technology assessment in theory and practice will be published as an open access journal by the publisher oekom. First topic of the re-designed and from now on peer-reviewed TATuP: Open science between hype and disruption.

Workshop on the water-energy nexus at ITASWorkshop on the water-energy nexus

On 31 July and 1 August 2017, the ITAS, together with the Institute for Sanitary Engineering, Water Quality and Solid Waste Management (University Stuttgart) organises an interdisciplinary workshop for modelling and assessing the urban water-energy nexus.

technik.kontrovers Themenabend Auto(nom)mobilThematic evening “Auto(nomous)mobile – self-driving or driving oneself”

On Wednesday, 28 June 2017, at 6 pm, the next session of the ITAS series of events “technik.kontrovers” takes place. The focus will be on the question of whether and how the great vision of autonomous driving will soon be realized.

Logo TABExperts wanted

The TAB is looking for experts for the topics “Somatic Gene Therapy” and “Algorithms in Digital Media and the Impact on the Formation of Opinions”.

German Sustainability Council honors ITAS Urban Transition LabGerman Sustainability Council honors ITAS Urban Transition Lab

Together with citizens and initiatives, researchers are developing ideas for more sustainability and quality of life in Karlsruhe’s Oststadt. The “Urban Transition Lab 131” was now honored by the German Council for Sustainable Development.

Creative Commons CC0 / mcmurryjulie (pixabay)Project start “Risk analysis emergency data management”

ITAS will support the analysis of medical risks in the introduction of emergency data management (NFDM) on the electronic health card.

LogoITAS at the Sustainability Days 2017

District Future celebrates the involvement of four local “NachhaltigkeitsExperimente” on 21 May 2017. In addition, the photo exhibition “Gesichter der Nachhaltigkeit” will start on 6 June in the institute’s foyer.

ENRES fellows at ITASKick-off for ENRES course of lectures

Promoting and interconnecting PhD theses on the supply of resources and energy is the aim of a joint course of lectures by ITAS and the Universities Stuttgart and Pforzheim. Now the PhD students officially started their work.

Event on the sustainable use of waterEvent on the sustainable use of water

Wastewater is much more than waste. At a public evening event on Thursday 11 May 2017, researchers at ITAS will demonstrate how new wastewater treatment strategies help save resources and improve the quality of life.

Logo Global Consortium for Sustainability Outcomes (GCSO)International Network for Sustainability Solutions

As part of the Global Consortium for Sustainability Outcomes (GCSO), ITAS will participate in the sustainability training of urban managers. It will also advise partner universities on energy, water, and waste issues on the campus on a real-lab basis.

TAB LogoNew projects of TAB

The work program of the TAB for 2017/2018 was decided. It contains 10 new projects, for which the TAB has presented project concepts. They were approved by the Committee on Education, Research and Technology Assessment (ABFTA) of the German Bundestag.

TAB LogoExperts wanted

TAB is looking for experts in six different projects. Topics are (among other things) electromagnetic fields, sustainability assessment of agricultural systems, light pollution and autonomous weapon systems.

GAIA Best Paper Award for ITAS scientistsGAIA Best Paper Award for ITAS scientists

Jürgen Kopfmüller and Markus Winkelmann from ITAS developed criteria for responsible research which were published in GAIA. The article now received the editors’ award of the journal for environmental and sustainability issues.

Conference “2000 Revisited – A look back to the future”Conference “2000 Revisited – A look back to the future”

On 6 and 7 May 2017 young researchers from the humanities and social sciences meet up at ITAS to examine the turn of the millennium as an efficacious reference point for future visions of all kinds. Registrations are still possible until 23 April 2017.

Thematic evening “Visions for tomorrow’s society” technik.kontroversThematic evening “Visions for tomorrow’s society”

On Monday, 27 March 2017, at 6 p.m. the next session of the ITAS series of events “technik.kontrovers” will take place. Scientists and the audience discuss how in future technology can be used for the benefit of all.

INOPRO – Intelligent Orthotics and ProstheticsNew project on intelligent prostheses

The aim of the INOPRO project is to develop intuitively controllable prostheses which adapt to the needs of their users. ITAS supports the innovation process and analyzes the ethical, legal, and social dimensions of this technology.

Two awards for Karlsruhe’s Urban Transition Lab Two awards for Karlsruhe’s Urban Transition Lab

The ITAS project “Urban Transition Lab 131” was honoured with two awards by the German Council for Sustainable Development in February: with the “Project Sustainability 2017” quality seal and as one of four “Transformation Projects” in Germany.

TA International CornerInternational Corner: News from European TA institutions

What is new in Europe’s TA scene? The third issue (winter 2016/2017) of the “International Corner” informs about the latest projects, publications and news from TA institutions all over Europe.

German-Chilean co-operation on the water-energy nexusGerman-Chilean co-operation on the water-energy nexus

The environment in Chile is suffering from a high agricultural water demand. A German-Chilean network promoted by ITAS scientist Helmut Lehn is expected to improve this situation. A workshop in Santiago de Chile marks the beginning of this co-operation.

Project on increasing resilience of working forestsProject on increasing resilience of commercial forests

How could native forests be better protected from the extreme impacts of climate change, and biodiversity be preserved? These questions are being addressed by the ITAS in cooperation with forestry scientists of the University of Freiburg.

Kalrsruhe´s climate partner Los BancosITAS expert supports Karlsruhe’s climate partnership

The city of Karlsruhe and the Los Bancos canton in Ecuador have been working on joint climate projects for two years. An action plan which was developed with the aid of ITAS scientist Volker Stelzer shall be implemented step by step, starting in 2017.

PRISMA project on RRI graphicsPromoting RRI approaches in European Industry

Companies in the EU still lack experience in RRI practices. The new PRISMA project, with eight Europe-wide industrial pilot projects, aims to show the added value of opening up the innovation process for social engagement and gender issues.


New publications

All publications: overview

news_2017_035_TATuP_3_2017TATuP “Technology – Consequences – Simulated”

The TOPIC of issue 3/2017 builds a bridge from technology assessment (TA) to agent-based modeling and simulation (ABMS). The authors show for the first time the potential that lies in linking both areas.

news_2017_tab_007_tab-arbeitsbericht_173Online citizen participation in parliamentary work

The TAB-Arbeitsbericht provides an analysis of the development, use and future design of participation offers at the German Bundestag.

CoverMedical innovations for Africa

TAB study published on research and product development to combat neglected diseases.

CoverNew publication format

The new Themenkurzprofile of the TAB are short presentations of selected, up-to-date and TA-relevant topics.

news_2017_tab_004_horizon-scanning_3TA-Vorstudie on Social Bots

The aim of the TA pre-study was to provide an overview of the current state of the art of social bots, application fields and users, dissemination, and actual and assumed risks.

news_2017_tab_003_arbeitsbericht_175TAB-Arbeitsbericht on 3-D printing

For several years now, manufacturing processes and 3-D printers have inspired many fantasies about the product production of the future. The ideas about performance, application potential and the effects of additive production are correspondingly diverse.

news_2017_027_Diss_Sophie_KupplerDeliberative events in nuclear waste governance

Sophie Kuppler, ITAS expert for nuclear waste disposal and governance, investigates in her Ph.D. thesis whether public participation approaches in Germany and Switzerland lead to a fundamental change in nuclear waste politics and policy.

news_2017_025_Dissertation_PoznicModels in Science and Engineering

How can one learn about particular phenomena by using models? This is the central question of the recently published dissertation by Michael Poznic, a philosopher of science and technology from ITAS.

Cover_TAB-Brief_048Topic diversity of TAB projects

The issue No. 48 of the TAB-Brief reflects the diversity of the topics, the investigation of which will be commissioned by the Bundestag to the TAB.

CoverNew pharmaceuticals for neglected poverty-related diseases

The TAB-Arbeitsbericht No. 170 offers a comprehensive presentation of various initiatives of various players in research and product development as well as political possibilities for the promotion of this commitment.

news_2017_tab_001_hintergrundpapier_21Load capacity of German nuclear power plants

How flexible can nuclear power plants be operated and is their operation compatible with a high proportion of fluctuating feed-in through renewable energies? These key questions are addressed in the TAB-Hintergrundpapier Nr. 21.

news_2017_014_Zielkonflikte der NachhaltigkeitConflicting goals of sustainability

In his doctoral thesis Marc Dusseldorp develops a completely new perspective on the way to deal with conflicting goals of sustainability. Instead of decision-making or weighing procedures the ITAS researcher focuses on a scenario-based assessment.

news_2017_008_Publikation_ENERGYTRANSNew publication on the energy transition

The Helmholtz Alliance ENERGY-TRANS has explored the energy transition from an interdisciplinary perspective. The book presents key findings of a research project on the transformation of the energy system.

news_2017_004_ Laudato-SiScientific perspective on environmental encyclical

Climate and environmental protection are the key themes of Pope Francis’s Encyclical “Laudato Si’”. 25 researchers of various disciplines have now dealt with the Pope’s essay – among them Armin Grunwald and Christine Rösch from ITAS.

news_2017_003_Diskussionspapier_Soziotechnische_ZukünfteDiscussion paper on “socio-technical futures”

Technology visions, future scenarios, development models: Different imaginations of the future are getting more and more attention in public discourse. Researchers now put the question how TA should deal with this development up to debate.
