News 2000

TA-Datenbank-Nachrichten Nr. 4, Dezember 2000, online verfügbar [15.12.2000]

Der Schwerpunkt des Dezember-Heftes befasst sich mit dem Thema „Nachhaltige Mobilität“.

Vortrag von Dr. John Grin "Learning from comparing TA experiences" [20.11.2000]

Der Vortrag findet im Rahmen des ITAS-Kolloquiums statt.

Drei Projekte im Bereich "Effiziente Ressourcennutzung" bewilligt [13.11.2000]

Es wurden kürzlich drei neue Projekte bewilligt.

10 Jahre Büro für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung beim Deutschen Bundestag [07.11.2000]

ITAS betreibt seit nunmehr 10 Jahren das Büro für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung beim Deutschen Bundestag, kurz TAB. Auf dieses Jubiläum hat das Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe in einer Presseerklärung vom 4.11.2000 hingewiesen.

TA-Database-Newsletter No. 3, October 2000, online available [19.10.2000]
The main feature section of the October issue is devoted to the question: "Participatory Technology Assessment - where will it go?" more
Job Offers at ITAS [17.10.2000]

Vacancies for scientific staff in three projects.

Neue Mitarbeiterin und Mitarbeiter in ITAS [10.10.2000]
Andrea Brinckmann, Hauke von Seht und Dr. Carsten Orwart sind neu im ITAS. mehr
SOWING-Conference "Regional Paths in the European Information Society" [05.10.2000]
A conference organized by ITAS on 2-3 November 2000 in Karlsruhe, Germany more
CoverNew TAB Publication on the issue of Environment and Health [08.09.2000]
What are the negative impacts caused by human intervention into nature - especially by anthropogeneous physical, chemical or biological harmful substances? This question is at the focus of the latest publication of the Office of Technology Assessment at the German Parliament. more
ITAS Symposium: "Integrative Modelling on Global Change" [29.08.2000]
At the symposium, the state-of-the-art of integrative modelling in Global Change research will be presented and methodological and practical problems of integrative modelling will be discussed. more
TA-Database-Newsletter No. 2, June 2000, online [07.07.2000]
The main section of this edition is devoted to the strategy fund ect "Global Sustainable Development - Perspectives for Germany" of the Hermann von Helmholtz Association of National Research Centres (HGF). more
The new ITAS broschure is now available from the ITAS homepage [31.05.2000]
The new ITAS broschure can be downloaded as PDF-file from the ITAS-homepage. more
Updates on the ITAS WWW-Site [25.05.2000]
The homepage of the ITAS-WWW-Server has been redesigned to facilitate the overview of the information offered. more
CoverFinal Report: Electronic Payment Systems in European Countries [12.04.2000]

ITAS was responsible for the edition of a cross country comparison, that dealt with the different payment cultures, the deployment of electronic purses, internet payment systems, and e-commerce in ten European countries.

TA-Database-Newsletter No. 1, March 2000, online available [23.03.2000]
The special feature section of the first issue of the TA-Database-Newsletter in 2000 is devoted to problems and perspectives of the Waste Management Sector. more
It is again possible to search [28.02.2000]
Since February 21, 2000, it is again possible to search through the complete input of the ITAS WWW-Server. more
New names added to the list of WWW Sites of TA-Institutions represented in the Internet for Europe! [18.02.2000]

The list of TA-Institutions with an Internet address offered by ITAS was enlarged considerably for some European countries.

TA-Database-Newsletter No. 3/4, December 1999, online [07.02.2000]
The Main Theme of the last issue for 1999 is devoted to the theme of "Problem-oriented Research". more
CoverNeuerscheinung: Parliaments and Technology [11.01.2000]
The first comparative analysis of the development and practice of parliamentary technology assessment in different national settings, this book explains the origins, methods, and impacts in five European countries and the European Parliament. more